European Brain and Behaviour Society

Amsterdam, Netherlands · 26-29 August 2023


European Brain and Behaviour Society

Amsterdam, Netherlands
26-29 August 2023


European Brain and Behaviour Society

Amsterdam, Netherlands
26-29 August 2023


Abstracts are available to registered participants only.
Please access your personal myEBBS2023 area before visiting this page and then click the icon to read them.

  • 09:00-13:00



    EBBS Satellite Event [Tuinzaal]
    Visit this page for details


    Opening Ceremony [Grote zaal]


    Plenary Session

    Opening Keynote Lecture[Grote zaal]
    Chair: Aniko Korosi (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

    Tallie Z. Baram (Irvine, CA, USA)

    Shaping adult motivated behaviors by early-life experiences: novel mechanisms


    Parallel Symposia

    Social behaviour: a gateway for understanding the neurobiology of affective disorders[Grote zaal]
    Chair: Jocelien Olivier (Groningen, The Netherlands)

    Jocelien Olivier (Groningen, The Netherlands)

    Mom’s gut feelings. Influences of maternal serotonin levels on the microbiome and offspring social development

    Martien Kas (Groningen, The Netherlands)

    The quantitative biology of social dysfunction: a transdiagnostic and translational approach

    Mohamed Kabbaj (Tallahassee, FL, USA)

    Breaking bonds in prairie voles

    Christine Stubbendorff (Genoa, Italy)

    MPFC dopamine D2 and D3 receptor regulation of social cognition

    Septal regulation of innate and adaptive motivational behaviors[Rode zaal]
    Chairs: Rohit Menon (Regensburg, Germany) & Sanja Mikulovic (Magdeburg, Germany)

    Felix Leroy (Alicante, Spain)

    Corticotropin-releasing hormone signaling from prefrontal cortex to lateral septum suppresses interaction with familiar mice

    Sanja Mikulovic (Magdeburg, Germany)

    Medial septal networks underlying motivation to move

    Ann Clemens (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)

    Neural circuits of kinship behaviour

    Rohit Menon (Regensburg, Germany)

    Neuropeptide regulation of negative social experiences within the lateral septum




    Parallel Symposia

    The dynamic nature of contextual fear memory[Grote zaal]
    Chairs: Benno Roozendaal (Nijmegen, The Netherlands) & Wouter Cox (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

    Benno Roozendaal (Nijmegen, The Netherlands)

    Opposite effects of noradrenergic and glucocorticoid activation on accuracy of an episodic-like memory

    Jonathan Epp (Calgary, Canada)

    Modification of hippocampal structure and function by adult neurogenesis

    Sylvie Lesuis (Toronto, Canada)

    Mechanisms of stress-induced memory generalization

    Jeniffer Sanguino Gómez (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

    Early-life stress hampers the processing of fear memories via persistent cellular, synaptic and proteomic effects

    Drug self-administration and relapse despite adverse consequences: behavior and circuits[Rode zaal]
    Chairs: Taco de Vries (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) & Nathan Marchant (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

    Ana Domi (Gothenburg, Sweden)

    Neurophysiological correlates of sub-dimensions of alcohol use disorder in rodents

    Esi Domi (Camerino, Italy)

    Role of the central amygdala in punishment-resistant alcohol self-administration

    Nathan Marchant (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

    Role of the anterior insula cortex in context-induced nicotine seeking after punishment-induced abstinence

    Yavin Shaham (Baltimore, MD, USA)

    Role of ventral subiculum circuits in incubation of opioid craving after electric barrier-induced abstinence




    Plenary Session

    Mid-career award[Grote zaal]
    Chair: Aniko Korosi (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

    Camilla Bellone (Geneve, Switzerland)

    From synaptic connections to social choices: understanding the neural circuits of social decision making in health and diseases


    Plenary Session

    Diversity award[Grote zaal]
    Chair: Igor Branchi (Rome, Italy)

    Carmen Sandi (Lausanne, Switzerland)

    Unblocking the breaks in brain science research and academia


    Welcome reception

    Check the venue page for details

  • 09:00-10:00

    Plenary Session

    Keynote Lecture[Grote zaal]
    Chair: Alexander Easton (Durham, United Kingdom)

    John Cryan (Cork, Ireland)

    Gut feelings: the microbiome as a key regulator of brain & behaviour across the lifespan




    Parallel Symposia

    Impact of social hierarchy on emotional contagion and affiliative behaviors[Grote zaal]
    Chair: Ksenia Meyza (Warsaw, Poland)

    Jungjoon Park (Daejeon, Republic of Korea)

    Experience of a hierarchical relationship between a pair of mice influences affective empathy

    Ksenia Meyza (Warsaw, Poland)

    Social dominance as a predictor of emotional contagion efficacy in group housed mice

    Cristina Márquez (Coimbra, Portugal)

    Dominance status modulates prosocial decision making in rats

    Jessica Vandeleest (Davis, CA, USA)

    The impact of social connectedness on individual and societal health in a nonhuman primate model: a network approach

    Don’t sleep on orexin: a major neuromodulator of diverse behavioral states[Rode zaal]
    Chairs: Stamatina Tzanoulinou (Lausanne, Switzerland) & William Giardino (Palo Alto, CA, USA)

    Stamatina Tzanoulinou (Lausanne, Switzerland)

    Orexin-Dopamine interplay: behavioral correlates and mechanistic insights

    William Giardino (Palo Alto, CA, USA)

    Orexin interactions with extended amygdala stress neuropeptide systems modulating anxiety and alcohol drinking

    Giorgio Corsi (Lausanne, Switzerland)

    Dissecting the mechanisms of cataplexy: brain circuits and neurotransmitters

    Christelle Peyron (Lyon, France)

    Alteration of motor control during REM sleep in orexin-deficient mice


    Poster Session [Witte zaal]


    Lunch and "meet the experts" [Tuinzaal & Steegzaal]


    ALBA network event: Deconstructing the impostor phenomenon [Rode zaal]


    Plenary Session

    Hot topic discussion 1[Grote zaal]
    Chair: Igor Branchi (Rome, Italy)
    Gert Kempermann and Paul Frankland
    Forgetting to learn vs. learning to forget
    Moderators: Mathieu Wolff (Bordeaux, France) & Dorothy Tse (Ormskirk, United Kingdom)




    Parallel Symposia

    Engrams and ensembles in learning and memory[Grote zaal]
    Chair: Bianca Silva (Milan, Italy)

    Livia Autore (Dublin, Ireland)

    Forgetting as a form of adaptive engram plasticity

    Bianca Silva (Milan, Italy)

    Brain circuits for memory update

    Priyanka Rao-Ruiz (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

    Towards understanding the synaptic code of memory encoding neuronal ensembles

    Michael Drew (Austin, TX, USA)

    Hippocampal mechanisms of fear suppression and relapse

    Oligodendrocyte lineage, myelin and neuropsychiatric diseases: a matter of timing?[Rode zaal]
    Chairs: Giulia Treccani (Mainz, Germany) & Giulia Poggi (Zurich, Switzerland)

    Leda Dimou (Ulm, Germany)

    NG2-glia and myelin: the underestimated players in psychiatric diseases

    Giulia Treccani (Mainz, Germany)

    Stress, Glucocorticoids and the Impact of Early Experience: deciphering the role of NG2+ glia

    Giulia Poggi (Zurich, Switzerland)

    Stress during adulthood, oligodendrocyte and myelin: where are we at?

    Arnaud Tanti (Tours, France)

    Cellular and molecular correlates of child abuse in the post-mortem brain: from myelination to the remodelling of the extracellular matrix




    Plenary Session

    Keynote Lecture[Grote zaal]
    Chair: Francesca Zoratto (Rome, Italy)

    Julie Bakker (Liège, Belgium)

    Development of the neural circuits underlying reproductive behavior


    Young Researchers Party

    Check the venue page for details

  • 09:00-10:00

    Plenary Session

    Keynote Lecture[Grote zaal]
    Chair: Igor Branchi (Rome, Italy)

    Joseph LeDoux (New York, NY, USA)

    Our four realms of existence: an exploration of what and who we are




    Parallel Symposia

    Early-life adversity and later life psychopathology: biomarkers, mechanisms, and interventions[Grote zaal]
    Chairs: Annamaria Cattaneo (Milan, Italy) & Hannah Juncker (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

    Valeria Mondelli (London, United Kingdom)

    Role of inflammation in increased risk and presence of depression in adolescence

    Annamaria Cattaneo (Milan, Italy)

    Exposure to stress early in life and long-term consequences on behaviour via gut microbiome alterations

    Hannah Juncker (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

    Maternal stress affects milk composition – a potential modulator in the transmission of maternal psychopathology to child development

    Rodrigo Grassi-Oliveira (Aarhus, Denmark)

    Can maternal high fat diet disrupt the development of μ-opioid receptors inducing childhood overweight and anhedonia in adolescence?

    Deep brain stimulation in rodent models for psychiatric and neurocognitive disorders[Rode zaal]
    Chairs: Laura Luyten (Leuven, Belgium) & Máté Döbrössy (Freiburg, Germany)

    Kerstin Schwabe (Hannover, Germany)

    Deficient prepulse inhibition and deep brain stimulation in a rat model for Tourette Syndrome

    Lidia Miguel Telega (Freiburg, Germany)

    Photometric tracking of dopamine and noradrenalin during DBS in a rodent model of depression

    Sarah-Anna Hescham (Maastricht, The Netherlands)

    Deep brain stimulation in dementia-related disorders

    Rodrigo Sierra (Szeged, Hungary)

    Closed-loop brain stimulation augments fear extinction


    Poster Session [Witte zaal]


    Lunch and "meet the experts" [Tuinzaal & Steegzaal]


    Elsevier's event: Future of Journal Publishing [Rode zaal]


    Plenary Session

    Hot topic discussion 2[Grote zaal]
    Chair: Aniko Korosi (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
    John Cryan and Evgenia Salta
    Whole body vs targeted approaches to understanding brain disorders
    Moderators: Aniko Korosi & Rixt van der Veen (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)




    Parallel Symposia

    The impact of age-related neuroinflammation and stress on neuromodulators and glial processes [Grote zaal]
    Chairs: Erika Gyengesi (Penrith, Australia) & Cleide Dos Santos Souza (Sheffield, United Kingdom)

    Erika Gyengesi (Penrith, Australia)

    The impact of chronic neuroinflammation and aging on motor and cognitive function and the basal forebrain cholinergic system

    Bart Eggen (Groningen, The Netherlands)

    Human microglia, from a developmental and pathological perspective

    Jorine Geertsema (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

    Early-life stress and early diet as modulators of the risk for Alzheimer’s Disease: role for glia and lipid metabolism

    Cleide Dos Santos Souza (Sheffield, United Kingdom)

    Directly converted astrocytes retain the ageing features of the donor fibroblasts and elucidate the astrocytic contribution to human CNS health and disease

    The social brain: from physiology to pathology dissecting the neural basis of social interactions[Rode zaal]
    Chairs: Vinícius Elias de Moura Oliveira (Mainz, Germany) & Tobias Pohl (Berlin, Germany)

    Vinícius Elias de Moura Oliveira (Mainz, Germany)

    Neuroendocrine correlates of exacerbated aggression: focus on the HPG-axis neuropeptides

    Carmen Sandi (Lausanne, Switzerland)

    The neurometabolic basis of social behaviors

    Karen Bales (Davis, CA, USA)

    Sex differences in pair bonding and parenting in monogamous titi monkeys

    Tobias Pohl (Berlin, Germany)

    Adolescent social stress: integrating homecage activity to assess sex-dependent stress susceptibility




    Plenary Session

    Keynote Lecture[Grote zaal]
    Chair: Harm Krugers (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

    Gerd Kempermann (Dresden, Germany)

    Adult neurogenesis and the neurobiology of individuality


    EBBS 50th birthday celebration: dinner & party

    Check the venue page for details

  • 09:00-10:00

    EBBS Assembly General Meeting and coffee [Rode zaal]


    Parallel Symposia

    Cellular and network properties in the prefrontal cortex across development: effect on behaviour[Grote zaal]
    Chair: Kyriaki Sidiropoulou (Heraklio, Greece)

    Kyriaki Sidiropoulou (Heraklio, Greece)

    Postnatal development of cellular and synaptic mechanisms in the prefrontal cortex in a cell-type specific manner and their role in shaping network activity

    Wen-Jun Gao (Philadelphia, PA, USA)

    Thalamocortical inputs regulate the development of inhibitory circuitry in the mPFC 

    Mouna Maroun (Haifa, Israel)

    Different mechanisms mediate social memory in juvenile males and females

    Kevin Mastro (Boston, MA, USA)

    Age-related changes in prefrontal cortex drives reward-based decision making in mouse and marmoset

    Results of the Eat2BeNice consortium: diet and the gut-brain axis in human neurodevelopment[Rode zaal]
    Chairs: Alejandro Arias Vasquez (Nijmegen, The Netherlands) & Mirjam Bloemendaal (Nijmegen, The Netherlands)

    Jaanus Harro (Tartu, Estonia)

    Diet and impulsivity in two generations: The longitudinal ECPBHS birth cohorts and their parents

    Danique Mulder (Nijmegen, The Netherlands)

    The gut microbiome in psychiatric disorders: a transdiagnostic perspective

    Monica Bullo Bonet (Reus, Spain)

    Association between nutrition and gut microbiota metabolism in ADHD

    Mirjam Bloemendaal (Nijmegen, The Netherlands)

    Effects of a randomized controlled trial comparing elimination and healthy diet versus care as usual on the gut microbiota in children with ADHD


    Poster Session [Witte zaal]




    Poster prizes, poster pitches, and young investigator awards [Grote zaal]
    Chairs: Aniko Korosi (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Igor Branchi (Rome, Italy), Michael van der Kooij (Utrecht, The Netherlands)




    Plenary Session

    Closing Keynote Lecture[Grote zaal]
    Chair: Ewelina Knapska (Warsaw, Poland)

    Paul Frankland (Toronto, Canada)

    The ontogeny of hippocampus-dependent memory


    Closing ceremony [Grote zaal]

  • The three poster sessions are scheduled for Sunday (27 August), Monday (28 Augst), both days at 12:00, and Tuesday (29 August) at 11:30.

    If your abstract has been accepted for a poster presentation, when preparing your poster please remember that the maximum size is A0 size (841 x 1189 mm; width x height).

    Correct format... poster should be PORTRAIT  poster should NOT be LANDSCAPE Wrong format...

    Posters must be mounted on the day of the presentation only, and removed at the end of the same day. Posters left behind after the end of the day will be discarded by the venue personnel.

    While the posters will be on display during the whole day to be viewed, poster presenters need to be available for discussion at their poster for the entire duration of the poster session.

    • Poster Session 1 • 27 August • 12:00-13:00

      P1.1  Atefeh Akbari (Regensburg, Germany)
      Role of LS-CRF signaling system in the regulation of social fear extinction

      P1.2  Isis Alonso-Lozares (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
      The role of Lateral Hypothalamus GABA neurons in the formation and recall of alcohol memories

      P1.3  Oliver Ambree (Osnabrück, Germany)
      Increased innate immune response and activated microglia in mice with genetically inherited low reactivity of the HPA axis

      P1.4  Charlote Andrews (Paris, France)
      Hippocampal-Cortical-Thalamic communication necessary for remote memory recall and fear expression

      P1.5  M. Carmen Arenas (Valencia, Spain)
      Preconception paternal stress alters prepulse inhibition of the startle response in female offspring

      P1.6  Simone Astori (Lausanne, Switzerland)
      Modulation of NREM sleep by the corticotropin-releasing hormone through the thalamic reticular nucleus

      P1.7  Alisa Bakhareva (Cologne, Germany)
      A role of prefrontal inputs to lateral hypothalamus in coping with stress

      P1.8  Ivan Ballasch (Barcelona, Spain)
      Neuroimmunological implications of the Ikaros family in schizophrenia

      P1.9  Rana Banai Tizkar (Cambridge, United Kingdom)
      Causal contribution of bilateral and left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex inactivation to heightened anxiety in the common marmoset

      P1.10  Pamela Banta Lavenex (Brig, Switzerland)
      Development of conditional learning abilities in children from 3 to 12 years of age

      P1.11  Kiri Barr-Glintborg (Christchurch, New Zealand)
      Anterior thalamus, its neural efferents, and spatial working memory in rats

      P1.12  Jaroslaw Barski (Katowice, Poland)
      Composition-dependent influence of ketogenic diet on sexual behavior of male rats

      P1.13  Sanne Beerens (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
      Distinct engram circuits support memory persistence depending on the intensity of a fearful experience

      P1.14  Alessandra Berry (Rome, Italy)
      Rosmarinic acid improves cognitive abilities and glucose metabolism in aged C57Bl/6N mice while disrupting lipid profile in young adults in a sex-dependent fashion

      P1.15  Oliver Bosch (Regensburg, Germany)
      Neuropeptides manipulations in the nucleus accumbens shell impair maternal behavior in lactating rats

      P1.16  Dila Calis (Tübingen, Germany)
      Stress affects central compensation of neural responses to cochlear synaptopathy in a cGMP-dependent way

      P1.17  Fernando Castillo Díaz (Regensburg, Germany)
      Dopamine signaling on social fear memory processing

      P1.18  Anastasia Chalkia (Leuven, Belgium)
      Manipulating fear learning with directed forgetting

      P1.19  Simon Chang (Munich, Germany)
      Molecular and neural mechanism of behaviour integration in the extended amygdala

      P1.20  Alessandro Chioino (Lausanne, Switzerland)
      Impact of mitofusin 2 on accumbens-associated behaviors and underlying neurobiological mechanisms

      P1.21  Francesca Cirulli (Rome, Italy)
      Maternal omega-3 supplementation as a nutritional strategy to counteract the negative effects of maternal obesity on mouse neurodevelopment

      P1.22  Laura Clément (Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
      Replicating rapid-systems consolidation in large navigational task

      P1.23  Gianluca Como (Genoa, Italy)
      Uniparental disomy and attachment: a preliminary investigation of MADM12 line

      P1.24  Gonçalo Cosme (Lisboa, Portugal)
      Oxytocin’s role on central and autonomic neuro correlates of salience attribution: a pupillometry and eye-gaze study

      P1.25  Gabriel Costanza-Chavez (Boulder, CO, USA)
      Controllable, but not uncontrollable, stress increases performance in both the social and non-social tube test

      P1.26  Kerstin Creutzberg (Milan, Italy)
      Vulnerability and resilience to prenatal stress exposure: behavioral and molecular characterization in adolescent rats

      P1.27  Eloise Daniel (Bordeaux, France)
      CDaam1 as a molecular modulator of Pattern Separation and Pattern Completion in mice

      P1.28  Alessia De Matteis (Rome, Italy)
      Intranasal administration of a selective 5’-adenosine-monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activator in a female mouse model of Rett Syndrome: a new potential treatment to improve disease’s cognitive impairments

      P1.29  Franziska Decker (Hannover, Germany)
      Establishing a three-tone auditory oddball paradigm to investigate processing of auditory stimuli in rats

      P1.30  Claudia Delli Colli (Rome, Italy)
      Time moderates the interplay between 5-HTTLPR and stress on depression risk: gene x environment interaction as dynamic process

      P1.31  Arijana Demaili (Magdeburg, Germany)
      Epigenetically regulated changes of endocannabinoid receptor 1 expression and behavioral changes of male and female rats in response to early life stress

      P1.32  Manuela Dicarlo (Bari, Italy)
      Short-term irisin treatment mitigates depressive behaviours enhancing neurotrophin expression in the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex of young mice

      P1.33  Yi Ding (Sendai, Japan)
      Association of social acceptance and rejection with self-referential processing across different domains: an fMRI study

      P1.34  Konstantinos Diskos (Heraklion, Greece)
      Early postnatal developmental alterations of excitation-inhibition ratio in the medial prefrontal cortex could contribute to working memory deficits in adulthood in the MAM model of schizophrenia

      P1.35  Mark Dobrovolskii (Prague, Czech Republic)
      Functional characterisation of wild-type zebrafish NMDA receptors

      P1.36  Mariana Duque Quintero (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
      Local and global corticostriatal manipulations differentially affect distinct forms of compulsive behavior

      P1.37  Christian Edvardsson (Gothenburg, Sweden)
      GLP-1 receptors in the lateral septum regulate intake and reward of alcohol in rodents of both sexes

      P1.38  Noémie Eyraud (Tours, France)
      Accelerating extinction of fear conditioning by repeated optogenetic stimulation of the infralimbic cortex in a mouse model of posttraumatic stress disorder

      P1.39  Rhiannon Robke (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
      A novel TPH2-iCre transgenic rat line enables selective manipulation of the serotonin system during locomotor, compulsive, and reinforced behavior

      P1.40  Federica Fermani (Munich, Germany)
      A role for neurons in the medial division of the central amygdala in appetitive behaviours

      P1.41  Rebecca Figge-Schlensok (Cologne, Germany)
      Leptin receptor-expressing neurons guide choice between feeding and socializing

      P1.42  Diego Fresegna (Rome, Italy)
      High-fat diet exacerbates inflammatory synaptic damage and disease course in clinical and experimental multiple sclerosis

      P1.43  Bianca Fusani (Macao, Macao)
      Isotocin and Vasotocin modulation on stress response in Betta splendens

      P1.44  Ines Gallego-Landin (Barcelona, Spain)
      Circadian Rhapsody: chronic circadian rhythm disruption during adolescence induces memory impairments in mice

      P1.45  Neus Galofré-López (Bellaterra, Spain)
      Differential effects of caloric restriction and sodium butyrate on memory performance in female and male aged rats 

      P1.46  Lisa Genzel (Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
      Tracking semantic-like memories in the rodent Default-Mode-Network

      P1.47  Valeria Gonzalez Diaz (Los Angeles, CA, USA)
      Anterior Cingulate Cortex, but not Orbitofrontal Cortex or Basolateral Amygdala, stabilizes choices involving information

      P1.48  Macarena González Portilla (València, Spain)
      Oleoylethanolamide attenuating effects on alcohol self-administration in socially defeated mice: a lipid messenger at the crossroads of stress and reward

      P1.49  Anna Gunia (Prague, Czech Republic)
      The temporoparietal junction processes the difference between self and other-related visuospatial perspectives

      P1.50  Bettina Habelt (Dresden, Germany)
      Chronic alcohol-induced brain states limit the efficacy of brain stimulation

      P1.51  Jim Hagemann (La Jolla, CA, USA)
      Influence of dopamine on representations of valence in the PFC during anhedonia and after ketamine treatment

      P1.52  Julia van Adrichem (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
      The role of parvalbumin interneurons in cortical memory engram function in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease

    • Poster Session 2 • 28 August • 12:00-13:00

      P2.1  Marene Hardonk (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
      Repeated brain activation in key brain areas in the stress- and reward-related circuitry following 28 days of voluntary wheel running in rodents

      P2.2  Emmy Eline Hoeksema (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
      The interplay of early life adversity, inflammation, and lipid mediators in Alzheimer's Disease pathogenesis and cognitive decline

      P2.3  Annabel Hollins (Durham, United Kingdom)
      Representations of object locations in Subiculum: a pilot study of the context modulation of vector coding and memory

      P2.4  Annelies Hoorn (Toronto, Canada)
      Temporal dynamics of neuronal excitability in the lateral amygdala mediates allocation to an engram supporting conditioned fear memory

      P2.5  Karolina Hruzova (Prague, Czech Republic)
      The effect of manipulation of parvalbumin-positive interneurons in mPFC in anxious behavior

      P2.6  Ivana Jaric (Bern, Switzerland)
      Impact of housing conditions on behavior, neuroplasticity, and sex-dependent biological function in laboratory mice

      P2.7  Annu Kala (Pilsen, Czech Republic)
      Effect of LPS on CA1 hippocampal activity and memory processing in rats

      P2.8  Ji-Yun Kang (Daejeon, Republic of Korea)
      MPE ameliorates central fatigue via modulating serotonergic and neuronal activity in Flx-induced mice model

      P2.9  Arsene Kanyamibwa (Helsinki, Finland)
      Tempting tastes in focus: forming a picture set of high-fat/high-carbohydrate foods for the Finnish population

      P2.10  Patricia Karkusova (Pilsen, Czech Republic)
      Hippocampal spatial representation transient instability model

      P2.11  David Keller (Cologne, Germany)
      Regulation of social behaviors by the lateral septum

      P2.12  Evelin Kiefer (Pécs, Hungary)
      Challenges and opportunitites in visual working memory task training in non-human primates

      P2.13  Balázs Knakker (Pécs, Hungary)
      Investigation of human and macaque visual object-location list memory – similar capacity but differing mechanisms

      P2.14  Natsuko Kubota (Saitama, Japan)
      Effects of larger playing environment on voluntary physical activity and brain monoamine levels

      P2.15  Daniela Kunčická (Prague, Czech Republic)
      Impact of poly(I:C) molecular weight on offspring behavior in the maternal immune activation model

      P2.16  Janina Kupke (Heidelberg, Germany)
      DNA methylation promotes memory persistence by facilitating systems consolidation and cortical engram stabilisation

      P2.17  Pierre Lavenex (Lausanne, Switzerland)
      Structural plasticity in the entorhinal and perirhinal cortices following hippocampal lesions in rhesus monkeys

      P2.18  Elad Lax (Ariel, Israel)
      Stress-induced poly-(ADP-ribose)ylation regulates immediate-early gene expression and stress copying

      P2.19  Susan Leemburg (Pilsen, Czech Republic)
      Evolution of hippocampal place cell representations in slowly morphing environments

      P2.20  Maxime Liberge (Tours, France)
      Mapping of neuronal activation and behavioural follow-up in a juvenile social defeat model

      P2.21  Alba López Moraga (Leuven, Belgium)
      Behavioral and neural differences in the generalization of conditioned fear, cue-elicited avoidance and fear extinction of male and female rats

      P2.22  Anthony Louis (Tours, France)
      Recruitment and activity of hippocampal cell ensembles during memory formation are affected by antidepressant treatment

      P2.23  Gediminas Luksys (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
      Neurocomputational investigation of human schema-based learning, decision making and their modulators in ecological settings

      P2.24  Annie Ly (Boulder, CO, USA)
      Innate avoidance behavior to auditory stimulus in mice

      P2.25  Aline Mak (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
      The role of astrocytic Gs-GPCR signaling in cortical engram formation and remote memory retrieval

      P2.26  Michael Vencer Malaluan (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
      Sex-specific patterns in the hypothalamic gene expression in response to stress in early life and adulthood

      P2.27  Kristýna Malenínská (Prague, Czech Republic)
      Chemogenetic manipulations of parvalbumin interneurons as an animal model of schizophrenia: implications on behavior

      P2.28  David Mallet (Lausanne, Switzerland)
      Investigating the efficiency of Urolithin A  to improve anxiety and motivation – A focus on the nucleus accumbens

      P2.29  Carmen Manzanedo (Valencia, Spain)
      Longitudinal study of prepulse inhibition of the startle reflex in OF1 and C57 mice

      P2.30  Mercè Masana (Barcelona, Spain)
      Altered superior colliculus function in Huntington’s Disease: from circuits to behaviour

      P2.31  Allison McDonald (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
      Alcohol use despite negative consequences: Identifying associated brain circuits in a rat model

      P2.32  Connor McNulty (Boulder, CO, USA)
      Mesocortical dopamine disrupts the stress-buffering effects of behavioral control in females

      P2.33  Sonia Melgar Locatelli (Málaga, Spain)
      Impact of a cocoa-based diet rich in polyphenols on cognitive function, emotional behavior, and adult hippocampal neurogenesis in mice

      P2.34  Jose Miñarro (Valencia, Spain)
      Can the intermittent high-fat diet block the deficit in prepulse inhibition induced by social stress?

      P2.35  Biswajit Moharana (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
      The proteomic landscape of hippocampal engram synaptic subpopulations

      P2.36  Alessandra Monaco (Rome, Italy)
      Peritraumatic modulation of the Vasopressinergic System as a promising approach to prevent trauma-induced behavioral alterations in a mouse model of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

      P2.37  Sofiia Moraresku (Prague, Czech Republic)
      Ventral and dorsal visual stream activity during immediate and delayed actions measured by intracranial EEG

      P2.38  Anne-Marie Mouly (Bron, France)
      Respiratory response to an odor throughout development in rats

      P2.39  Chiara Musillo (Rome, Italy)
      Maternal high-fat diet disrupts cognitive function and energy metabolism specifically in adult female mouse offspring

      P2.40  Athira Nataraj (Plzen, Czech Republic)
      Effect of GABA antagonist on memory reactivation dynamics

      P2.41  Irene Navarro-Lobato (Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
      Learning Fast and Slow: Increased cortical plasticity leads to memory interference and enhanced hippocampal-cortical interactions

      P2.42  Panthea Nemat (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
      Validation and characterisation of input-specific labelling of synapses on engram cells underlying memory consolidation

      P2.43  Marta Nowacka-Chmielewska (Katowice, Poland)
      Long-term exposure to Western diet and wheel-running training alters protein components of the blood-brain barrier in the hippocampus of female rats

      P2.44  Rodrigo Orso (Milan, Italy)
      Exposure to prenatal stress alters the ability to cope with an acute challenge in adolescence

      P2.45  Beatriz Pacheco Sánchez (Málaga, Spain)
      D-chiro-inositol prevents memory deficits in the 3xTg mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease in a sex-dependent manner

      P2.46  Anna Padányi (Pécs, Hungary)
      Investigation of cortical excitability with non-invasive transcranial magnetic stimulation in awake non-human primates

      P2.47  Amalia-Christina Peithi (Lausanne, Switzerland)
      Impact of maternal interpersonal violence-related posttraumatic stress disorder on physiological stress regulation and aggressive behaviors of school-aged children: perspective from longitudinal findings

      P2.48  Bogomil Peshev (Sofia, Bulgaria)
      The role of noradrenergic transmission in the basolateral amygdala for the enhancement of memory consolidation  induced by predator odor exposure 

      P2.49  Yvan Peterschmitt (Besançon, France)
      Using an operant mouse gambling paradigm to assess the sex-specific effects of chronic stress on decision-making

      P2.50  Tatiana Pilipenko (Brescia, Italy)
      Exploring ultrasonic communication in mice: audio data processing and correlation study with different behaviors

      P2.51  Edoardo Pisa (Rome, Italy)
      Subchronic metformin administration contrasts cognitive and metabolic deficits in a mouse model of type 2 diabetes

    • Poster Session 3 • 29 August • 11:30-12:30

      P3.1  Renée Poelman (Gothenburg, Sweden)
      Development and optimization of a novel, in-cage 2-choice serial time reaction task (2-CSTT) to measure attention and impulsivity in mice

      P3.2  Silvia Poggini (Rome, Italy)
      Serotoninergic antidepressants are effective when administered in a supportive environment

      P3.3  Eugenia Poh (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
      Characterizing dopamine’s encoding of future rewards and motor function in discrete striatal subregions

      P3.4  Alberto Potenzieri (Genoa, Italy)
      Early IGF-1 receptor inhibition in mice mimics human preterm brain disorders

      P3.5  Clément Pouget (Paris, France)
      Dissecting a hippocampal fear memory engram

      P3.6  Kamil Pradel (Cologne, Germany)
      Differential representation of various rewards in the dopaminergic neurons of the ventral tegmental area

      P3.7  Yanran Qiu (Planegg-Martinsried, Germany)
      Computational model-based analysis of spatial navigation strategies under stress and uncertainty using place, distance and border cells.

      P3.8  Marina Reguilón Romero (Valencia, Spain)
      Social defeat reduces 5-HT1A receptor function in susceptible mice

      P3.9  Matthew Rich (Piscataway, NJ, USA)
      A rodent model to investigate the physiological mechanisms of fear-dependent cocaine seeking

      P3.10  Rafaella Mínea Riszt (Pécs, Hungary)
      Application of Self-ordered Spatial Search task for the investigation of spatial working memory in non-human primates

      P3.11  Lizz Fellinger (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
      Regional striatal dopamine signaling during spontaneous movement reflects intrinsic motivation

      P3.12  Tyler Ross (Durham, United Kingdom)
      Why neuroscience needs spontaneous recognition behaviour:
 a new understanding of strategy use in spontaneous recognition tasks

      P3.13  Avishek Roy (Bordeaux, France)
      CAMKII plays a critical role in upscaling the excitatory synapses from CA1 pyramidal cells in streptozotocin injected rats exposed to magnetic field stimulation

      P3.14  Silvie Ruigrok (Lausanne, Switzerland)
      The neurometabolic underpinnings of social rank: accumbal astrocytes as a potential player

      P3.15  Mateusz Rycerz (Warsaw, Poland)
      Measuring individual preferences for diverse tastes in group-housed mice

      P3.16  Yuki Sakai (Tours, France)
      Memory formation and synaptic tagging and capture: evidence from behaving mice

      P3.17  Anna Sancho-Balsells (Barcelona, Spain)
      Tissue-combined photobiomodulation improves multiple sequelae induced by chronic stress

      P3.18  Derya Sargin (Calgary, Canada)
      The impact of early life stress on serotonin circuits

      P3.19  Erik Schéle (Gothenburg, Sweden)
      Engagement of the brain orexin system in activity-based anorexia behaviour in mice

      P3.20  Natalia Schilder (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
      Protection against early life-stress induced emotional dysregulation by early diet supplementation with methyldonors via modulation of hypothalamic DNA methylation

      P3.21  Sarah Schoch (Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
      Associations between sleep behaviors, sleep neurophysiology and gut microbiota and infant development

      P3.22  Vladislav Sekulic (Saitama, Japan)
      Impact of bidirectional manipulation of local dendrite-targeting interneurons on hippocampal memory formation

      P3.23  Sakshi Sharma (New Delhi, India)
      Examining anxiety and risk-taking in healthy male and female wistar rats using spatial and temporal analysis of Elevated Plus Maze

      P3.24  Olesya Shevchouk (Gothenburg, Sweden)
      Gut-brain axis and sexual behaviour in females: role of glucagon-like peptide-1

      P3.25  Laia Sitjà Roqueta (Barcelona, Spain)
      Phytochrome stimulation in astrocytes modulate synaptic plasticity and motor phenotype: relevance for Huntington’s Disease

      P3.26  Ben Slater (Newcastle, United Kingdom)
      A translative study of context-dependent sequence learning in rats and common marmosets

      P3.27  Ilya Smolensky (Fribourg, Switzerland)
      Sex-specific effects of ketogenic diet in social isolation and chronic restrain mouse models of depression

      P3.28  Iris Stoltenborg (Gothenburg, Sweden)
      Identification of the lateral hypothalamus as an important brain area driving hyperactivity in a mouse model of anorexia nervosa

      P3.29  Hamid Taghipourbibalan (Tromsø, Norway)
      Home-cage monitoring of feeding microstructure dynamics in protein-restricted mice

      P3.30  Anna Maria Tartaglione (Rome, Italy)
      Effects of sodium butyrate supplementation during lactation on offspring' behavior, neuroinflammation and gut microbiota in a mouse model of Autism Spectrum Disorder

      P3.31  Jana Tchekalarova (Sofia, Bulgaria)
      Cognitive responses in young adult, middle-aged and old rats with pinealectomy

      P3.32  Conor Thornberry (Maynooth, Ireland)
      Efficient spatial recall during navigation: the role & dynamics of cortical theta oscillations in humans

      P3.33  Eni Tomovic (Vestec, Czech Republic)
      The role of the GDG motif of the GluN2 subunits for mechanism of NMDAR activation

      P3.34  Dogukan Ulgen (Lausanne, Switzerland)
      Single nucleus RNA-sequencing unravels the transcriptomics landscape of trait anxiety in the rat hippocampus

      P3.35  Hanna van den Munkhof (Cologne, Germany)
      Opposite coding of competing rewards by VTA dopamine neurons

      P3.36  Michael van der Kooij (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
      Chronic social stress leads to transient deficits in effort-based reward motivation

      P3.37  Rixt van der Veen (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
      Early life stress and living in a complex environment: Positioning on the social ladder, stress coping and brain plasticity

      P3.38  Felice Veen (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
      Differential population dynamics in the medial prefrontal cortex during action control

      P3.39  Alexa Veenema (East Lansing, MI, USA)
      Vasopressin and oxytocin act within the brain reward circuitry to regulate social play behavior sex-specifically in juvenile rats

      P3.40  Sofia Vellere (Camerino, Italy)
      The role of the paraventricular thalamus inputs to the nucleus accumbens shell during alcohol use despite negative consequences in a novel combi-cage apparatus

      P3.41  Angeliki Velli (Heraklion, Greece)
      Adaptations in prefrontal cortical and hippocampal function in adolescent MAM mice

      P3.42  Laura Vercammen (Leuven, Belgium)
      The rewarding properties of safety signals in an active avoidance task in rats

      P3.43  Anna Vuuregge (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
      Interactions between physical activity and psychological symptoms in adolescents remitted from depression and anxiety disorders

      P3.44  Rebecca Waag (Zurich, Switzerland)
      Adaptation to chronic stress is shaped by a shift in the distinct pattern of stress responsiveness on the transcriptional level

      P3.45  Rui Watanabe (Tokyo, Japan)
      Imitation encourages empathic capacity toward other individuals with physical disabilities: an fMRI study

      P3.46  Livia Wilod Versprille (Cambridge, United Kingdom)
      Attentional differences in distraction and dopamine pharmacology in visual sustained attention in rats

      P3.47  Chantal Wissing (Cologne, Germany)
      Lateral hypothalamic neurotensin-expressing neurons shape the balance between feeding, drinking and socializing

      P3.48  Mathieu Wolff (Bordeaux, France)
      Bifurcating neurons in the anterior thalamic nuclei in rats

      P3.49  Elze Wolfs (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
      Cerebellar functional connectivity in aggressive behaviour: a 7T resting-state fMRI study in healthy volunteers

      P3.50  Amit Zamir (Shilo, Israel)
      The effect of supraphysiological nandrolone decanoate administration on the inflammatory, neurotrophin and behavioral response in young and old animals

      P3.51  Francesca Zoratto (Rome, Italy)
      Automation at the service of the study of cognitive flexibility in mice


